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Juniper Hill 2015
Close to the River Findhorn, set in the hills of the Highlands, this spirit is made at an ‘antique’ distillery, whose brands flourish throughout the globe. Taking its name from the juniper bush, this highly successful single malt forms the base of a proprietary blend that introduced Scotch whisky to the world.
For this batch of Juniper Hill, we filled clear new make spirit from the Highlands of Scotland into Tawny Port wine barriques from the sun-soaked valleys of Portugal. The result is a bountiful dram that’ll keep you coming back for more! A maturation journey that started eight years ago and now ends in your glass – saúde.
Region Highland
Bottled 2024
Wood Bourbon Hogshead
Finish 1st fill Tawny Port Barriques
Cask 9900225 / 228 / 229 / 230 / 231